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Questions tagged [acl-ligament]

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Cartilage deterioration in patient's after ACL reconstruction in contralateral knee

From literature, about 50% of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction patient's are predisposed to osteoarthritis (OA) later in life due to cartilage deterioration and cartilage damage from ...
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Looking for MRI file repository for Finite Element Modeling of ACL

Does anyone know of any online/open access MRI image collections? I am looking for 3D geometry for an ACL to mesh and model for a Finite Element Modeling course, and I'm having trouble locating source ...
BJC's user avatar
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Are there any side effects of general anesthesia over local anesthesia? [closed]

I finally decided to have a surgery for my ACL since I tore it completely, and after taking so much time to think about it and gather opinions from doctors, friends, etc. I think is the best move I ...
VaTo's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is operation the only solution to an ACL injury?

I have an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear, which was confirmed by an MRI (it my be partial or complete; I was not told which.) My question: is surgery the only way to treat ACL tears? Is ...
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