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Questions tagged [osteoarthritis]

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Do you know of any papers investigating the practice of "back cracking"?

I found a good number of studies investigating the effects and practice of "knuckle cracking", but close to none on other sites of joint cracking/popping. knuckle cracking appears to be safe,...
Francesco Favro's user avatar
9 votes
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Cartilage deterioration in patient's after ACL reconstruction in contralateral knee

From literature, about 50% of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction patient's are predisposed to osteoarthritis (OA) later in life due to cartilage deterioration and cartilage damage from ...
Eric's user avatar
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Is there a correlation between arthritis and diastolic blood pressure?

Is there a correlation between arthritis and diastolic blood pressure? i.e if diastolic is high you get arthritic symptoms or vice versa.
Ahsan's user avatar
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How is the pain of Osteoarthritis related to Lunar movements?

My mother has Osteoarthritis. Her pain in the knees and ankles increases to a great deal on full moon and new moon days, even though she spends those days like any other normal day in terms of ...
Wrichik Basu's user avatar
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Turmeric vs Ibuprofen

Is there any truth in what is said here, that Ibuprofen is toxic to heart muscle and turmeric is an effective alternative? I have tried to find the study mentioned but cannot find it.
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Does cracking knuckles (or any other joints) lead to arthritis? Or is this a medical myth?

Growing up, my grandmother always told us kids: "Don't crack your knuckles it will lead to arthritis in your fingers." And then she would show us her arthritic fingers as "proof" of the aftermath. ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar