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The enamel of our teeth are softer/harder at various points in the day? Brushing after a meal harmful to enamel?

Growing up, I was always taught to brush my teeth after eating breakfast, but should I be brushing my teeth before breakfast? The reason why I brushed afterwards was to remove the food bits/taste ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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How harmful would it be to the spine if you were sleeping on a soft rug for a prolonged period of time?

If you were sleeping on a soft rug for a prolonged period of time, how detrimental would it prove to your back? I read somewhere that it is not advisable to sleep on a soft rug for a long period of ...
srini's user avatar
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Water and wrinkled skin. Is being under water for long dangerous?

After spending extended time in a bath, humans develop wrinkled skin. Is wrinkled skin the only effect of the immersion? Could a human spend extended time periods in water without causing some ...
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