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Questions tagged [eyebrows]

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What is the part between the eyebrow tail and above the eyelid called?

I need to know the anatomical name of the portion of the face between the eyebrow tail and the eyelid, as highlighted in red in the image below, as I need to refer to that particular area in writing ...
hecate's user avatar
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Why do I always sneeze and get watery eyes when I pluck my eyebrows? Is it a reflex/trigger? Nerves linked?

Why do I always sneeze and get watery-eyes when I pluck my eyebrows? Is it a reflex? Are the nerves around our eyebrows linked to our nasal cavity?
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Is eyebrow hair loss common in hyperthyroidism?

I have seen many articles talking about hair loss in regards to hypothyroidism but very few about hyperthyroidism. People suffer from hair loss in both thyroid diseases, but is it common to lose hair ...
Totoro's user avatar
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