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Questions tagged [dandruff]

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2 answers

Why does dandruff shampoo loose effectiveness without shampoo alternation?

I've heard often 1 2 that alternation between anti-dandruff shampoos containing ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, coal tar, selenium disulfide or salicylic acid is needed for the treatment to stay ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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What treatments are available for dandruff/psoriasis

There are basic anti-dandruff shampoos such as Head & Shoulders, and there are coal tar treatments such as Alphosyl 2 in 1, Capasal, Polytar or T/Gel for itchy and flaky scalp problems, but if you ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Is dandruff bad? [closed]

I have a lot of Dandruff and I am just starting to lose hair. Is there any co-relation. I heard Dandruff is neither good nor bad, it is quantitative. Meaning that everybody has it, but on different ...
Vedant's user avatar
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Will hair that fall along with dandruff regrow? [closed]

I occasionally brush my fingers through my hair, and can sometimes feel dandruff stuck in my hair (not on my scalp). When I gently, as in really carefully and gently, remove these dandruff, I often ...
tsp216's user avatar
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1 answer

Any physical benefits to acne? Does the oil keep skin from wrinkling & sagging in the future? Can it prevent razor-burn & dandruff now?

I have cystic acne... and I'm 29. It's not all that fun. I'm trying to be optimistic since no matter what I do I can't get rid of it. So... Are there any benefits to having acne? (I'm reaching for ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the mechanism of action of Alphosol dandruff treatment?

For around two years I have been using Alphosol 2 in 1, which is a coal tar extract based shampoo, to treat my dandruff which I believe is caused mostly by my Psoriasis. Each application would leave ...
Terry's user avatar
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