I am having trouble deciphering the degree of difference between the probiotics used and controls (I am no scientist but like to read studies). Here are the highlights which I think discuss the effectiveness:
Mauchly's test of sphericity for the case group showed that there were significant differences between the “variance of differences” of the S. mutans count at baseline, 2 weeks and 4 weeks as a result the readings were subjected to Hyunh and Feldt's test to compare difference in S. mutans count during the 4-week period which was of highly significant value, F (1.664, 34.000) = 169.607, P = 0.000. Thus, a pairwise comparison was done further that showed a significant difference of S. mutans between the baseline and 1st follow-up and also 1st and 2nd follow-up with a P value of 0.000. The difference of count was not significant between baseline and 2nd follow-up.
Mauchly's Test of Sphericity for the control group showed that there were no significant differences between the “variance of differences” of the S. mutans count at baseline, 2 weeks and 4 weeks in control group. As a result, the readings were subjected to Wilks Lambda test which suggested that there was no significant difference of the S. mutans count during the 4 weeks period. Thus, a pair-wise comparison was not done in control group.
Table 3 shows the effect of time and interaction between time and intervention on S. mutans count in all the study participants. The effect was observed using Hyunh and Feldt's correction and a significant difference was observed in the S. mutans count as the time passed, F (1.663, 113.117) = 164.780, P = 0.000 and also there was a significant effect of interaction between the time and intervention on S. mutans count, F (1.663, 113.117) = 168.899, P = 0.000."