First when the Coronavirus outbreak happened in China, some people argued that the outbreak had to do with a supposed faulty chinese health care system, due to China not being a "developed country". But now in South Korea and Italy, supposed "developed countries" the cases are increasing even at over a 100% rate per day some days. Now in Italy the first cases appeared apparently in 31 January and in South Korea apparently in 20 January. So in 3 / 4 weeks those countries jumped from units to hundreds / over a thousand cases. Yet in another "developed country" like Australia, the first case was reported 25 January , but the country was able to keep the number of cases below / in 23 for a month.
Can be a factor contributing to the outbreaks in South Korea / Italy the fact that they are in the northern hemisphere / winter , and that Australia is in the southern hemisphere / summer by February? Could an outbreak as fast as those which happened in South Korea / Italy happen in a country which is in summer by the time it happens?