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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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3 votes
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What are non-specific somatic sensory receptors in the nasal mucosa?

I am reading Oral Medicine: Diagnosis and Treatment by Greenberg and Glick, Chapter 2 - Evaluation Of The Dental Patient: Diagnosis and Medical Risk Assessment. Under Cranial Nerve Examination, ...
Noeshel 's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the purpose of synovial fluid?

What is the purpose of synovial fluid? From what I understand, this fluid is associated with proper joint-functioning. Not sure if this is accurate. I am curious to learn about its purpose and how it ...
Eileen Tublin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is diarrhea often accompanied by sweat? What is the function of the sweat in this process?

Why is diarrhea often accompanied by sweat? I have noticed that when I or my significant other gets a bout of diarrhea -- that sweating often manifests itself too (moments before and during the ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar