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Questions tagged [creatine]

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Is there reasonable cause to suspect that taking creatine increases risk of testicular cancer causatively?

A 2015 study finds a significant association between muscle-building supplements (MBS) and testicular germ cell carcinoma (TGCC) with seemingly massive odds ratios. There was a wave of panic about ...
Tim Roberts's user avatar
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Does ingesting creatine powder or capsules cause hair loss?

Does ingesting creatine powder or capsules cause hair loss? I have read conflicting claims (e.g., see below) and wonder whether there have been some more serious scientific studies:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Muscle disorder causing exercise intolerance without an increase of creatine kinease levels

Has anyone heard of a disorder that causes exercise intolerance and post-exertional myalgia without any further symptoms (like generalised fatigue or joint pain)? Detailed investigation showed that ...
Dan R's user avatar
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