Definitely agree with you, it's a silly thing and different test inspectors have different ideology.
My advice is to not worry about the results of the "paper tests" (I know it's annoying) and focus on it's practicality. They make changes to the so called "guidelines" every few years, as if the past guidelines were "inferior" or "not up to date". Here's an interesting thing to think about.
Is CPR best given using the ABC method? In the past, we were taught Airway, Breathing, Compression. Now "new" guidelines are vouching for CAB because people are afraid of mouth to mouth contact, but are ok with compressing. Which allows the blood (with lower % oxygen:hemoglobin ratio) to circulate the body.
What about if there is 2 people? does the ratio change? If the ratios do change, it makes you question just how arbitrary these numbers are.
At the end of the day, tests are tests, and real word is real word. I worked in the hospital and my co-worker was accused by the patient's family members of "not compressing fast enough." As if he was not "passionate" enough in saving a patient's life. Poor lad had to fill out more "paperwork". Good luck, the medical industry really sucks the energy out of you.
In reference to Uptodate, the essential goals for performing excellent chest compressions include:
●Maintain the rate of chest compression at 100 to 120 compressions per minute
●Compress the chest at least 5 cm (2 inches) but no more than 6 cm (2.5 inches) with each down-stroke
●Allow the chest to recoil completely after each down-stroke (it should be easy to pull a piece of paper from between the rescuer's hand and the patient's chest just before the next down-stroke)
●Minimize the frequency and duration of any interruptions§ionRank=2&anchor=H12#H5