I am operating under the following premises:
- The immune system needs to be constantly trained by exposure to pathogens to remain effective.
- I remember having read that the reason why little children are frequently sick: this is how their immune systems build to let them stop being sick that often. Therefore, frequent colds are actually beneficial.
- Facemasks are designed to impede the spread of airborne pathogens. Their recent widespread use is caused by the Covid pandemic, however their side effect is that they impede other disease as well. Same can be said about social distancing.
- I asked a physician when would wearing masks stop. In response she praised anti-covid restrictions for accidentally also solving the problem of the common cold and flu and said we should never stop wearing masks.
Doesn't it follow that restrictions such as facemasks and social distancing weaken the immune system by preventing airborne pathogens to reach it?
I asked about this topic somewhere else but in response I was rebuked for spreading conspiracy theories. I don't think this is what I'm doing. In no place did I cite conspiracy theorists? Some mainstream media say similar things to what I wrote in the premises. This Time article for instance.