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Ashburrry's user avatar
Ashburrry's user avatar
Ashburrry's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • GitHub
  • BC-99, Vancouver, BC, Canada

I am 40+ years old and my name is Kenggi aka David (mother calls me that) and I am just picking up Python, with the Trio mini-framework, and flask at I am creating a CONNECT proxy server for Internet Relay Chat networks and plan on hosting the proxy server on several dozen IP's and sub-domains. The proxy server will be used in the IRC client and a script will communicate with the proxy server for functionality. The web-server will provide another way to use the scripts if you are not using mIRC or Adiirc clients. The feature possibilities are endless.

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