I know that there are several versions of sign languages out there for the deaf, hearing-impaired, and mute individuals (like we have American Sign Language -- ASL:, which must mean we have other dialects of English Sign language, correct?), but how many languages of sign language do we actually have? I understand the need to have different signs for different letters in different languages that don't use the same alphabet so that spellings can be different for their respective native tongue, but... is there an entire new system of sign language for each language?
I know nothing about braille, but was wondering how many different forms of braille there are? Since it's reading letters... I imagine it would have a different system for each alphabet system, right? Or is it more complicated than that?
Please do enlighten me on this. I do feel very ignorant because even though I was born hearing-impaired and wore hearing aids my entire life and gone through speech therapy and had an interest in sign language... I never learned it.