If you are reading this, chances are, we have more than a few things in common; I fell in love with computers when I was 6 and found a 51/4 floppy disk containing an MS-DOS tutorial at my dad's workplace (a university library), the "geeky" library interns were amazingly kind and easy going, they didn't underestimate me, they encouraged me to feel at home with qwerty + tty interfaces, STEM people have been my favorite crowd ever since. My 6 y/older brother is also a geek, and a very talented programmer even since those days, so he had my back. We had our first computer when I was 7, I messed around with code a little but to be honest I spent most time playing (no regrets! u_u) banana bombing buildings on Gorillas, perfect-syncing jumps in Out of this World and dying on Prince of Persia (sniff). And of course Nintendo was very demanding (believe! ð_ð). I used to be quite good at math and science, by 17 I was certified as an electronics technician, but soon I realized I didn't understand the world and therefore I couldn't know what would be relevant to innovate.
I spent some years exploring culture; through observation, books, cinema, the internet (F yeah!), extensive discussions with people of great diversity of character, and lots of other kind of experiences that I couldn't list here, just explored life in general. I also spent a couple of years working in a transnational communications company and got to understand a lot about business.
Now that I'm not so ignorant, I have some ambitious goals to check-mark for lulz, decided software was my obvious starting point, I'm driven and ready to face any challenges that may come.
I wrote a little exaggerated piece on my about.me page (/jorgeartware), go there if you want to have a good giggle. Or go to my personal site if you want me to work with you and first you need to see options on how we could work together: jorgeartware.com