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What's the best time of year to purposely contract COVID?

Rubella doesn't generally kill that's why they had those parties lacking a vaccine. Since we are now seeing many ICU beds being occupied by victims in their 30s etc, a different patient profile than ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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3 votes

Can a healthy baby / new born be carried longer when the weather is hot if carried skin to skin against its father's chest?

Your GP clearly has no understanding of Physics, nor of Anthropology. Firstly as the other answer points out, millions of people carry their babies like this in tropical climates and have done for ...
Isaacson's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does the flu only happen in winter?

Well, since you already have a well-written answer, I just wanted to add this as another possible cause: Research done by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in 2008 ...
Bipasha's user avatar
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1 vote

Can a healthy baby / new born be carried longer when the weather is hot if carried skin to skin against its father's chest?

This is basically a physics question, actually. Let's assume father and infant both start out at 37C core temperatures. The baby is placed against father's chest. Due to their size differences, ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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