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General Population Low Vitamin D Levels

There are a few mechanisms at work that influence the vitamin D status for Europeans. Vitamin D is either eaten in the food, created with the help of sunlight or supplemented. Many appear to net have ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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Does vitamin D synthesis occur in indirect sunlight?

The sunlight through the window does not stimulate vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Sunlight and Vitamin D (PubMed): Since glass absorbs all UVB radiation, exposure of the skin to sunlight that ...
Jan's user avatar
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How much Vitamin D does the body produce if you're out for a whole summer day?

Vitamin D is produced in the skin by UV irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol. But vitamin D in the skin is also broken down by UV irradiation and this leads to a maximum equilibrium level of vitamin D ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between vitamin D levels and cholesterol?

According to a couple of systematic reviews of studies, there is insufficient evidence about the lowering effect of vitamin D on blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin D, Evidence Mayo Clinic (data from ...
Jan's user avatar
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5 votes

Does the use of sunscreen inhibit Vitamin D production?

This has been a controversial question for many years. The current evidence suggests that sunscreen does block a part of Vitamin D production, but with negligible amounts. Studies have found that ...
Narusan's user avatar
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To what degree does a Vitamin D course mitigate the effects of Primary Hyperparathyroidism?

If you see a low vitamin D level in conjunction with a raised PTH level, then I think you need to think secondary hyperparathyroidism (HiPTH). But since vast numbers of most western populations have ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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Does the damage from sun exposure outweigh the benefit of getting vitamin D?

I like your curiosity and logical thinking - you're just missing a few pieces of the puzzle. The sun emits ultraviolet light radiation which is the component of sunlight that is able to damage skin. ...
Andrew's user avatar
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4 votes

Do Elderly benefit from Vitamin D supplements?

According to some studies, adequate vitamin D intake from foods and supplements may prevent bone weakness (osteporosis) in elderly, but according to others it may not. Efficacy of optimization of ...
Jan's user avatar
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Do UV-B emitting lamps for reptile pets produce vitamin-D in human skin?

In short: UV bulbs for reptiles and tanning beds emit mainly UV-A, which does not promote vitamin D synthesis but can promote skin cancer. UV light and vitamin D synthesis (Skin Cancer Foundation): ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

Why are babies in France recommended to consume 3x as much vitamin D compared to babies in the USA?

The official guidelines in France have recently been updated (my question dates back to December 2020). The report "Les références nutritionnelles en vitamines et minéraux", Avis de l’Anses, ...
Klaus Niederkrüger's user avatar
3 votes

Why vitamin D3 is deficient in children and the elderly?

Vitamin D is not strictly a vitamin, rather it is the precursor of one of the hormones involved in the maintenance of calcium homeostasis and the regulation of cell proliferation and ...
User 25125's user avatar
2 votes

When is vitamin D released from fat?

It is already released in winter, and may help prevent very low levels that might otherwise be obtained. Vitamin D Stored in Fat Tissue During a 5-Year Intervention Affects Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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2 votes

Does the use of sunscreen inhibit Vitamin D production?

In addition to the other answers: [C]linical studies have never found that everyday sunscreen use leads to vitamin D insufficiency. In fact, the prevailing studies show that people who use sunscreen ...
eniel.rod's user avatar
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What type of liver is richest in Vitamin D?

The older the animal, the greater the amount of vitamin D stored in the liver. While liver is a somewhat good source of vitamin D, it's also very high in vitamin A. A person eating liver more often ...
Jude's user avatar
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Why would you take Vitamin D twice a week instead of once a day?

Medication can come in not only varying doses, but also the release time can vary. For instance, if you have a painkiller and you want it to work for a long period of time, you can coat it with ...
Hester's user avatar
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Is it useless to drip Vitamin D drops on your tongue?

It appears that Vitamin D oil drops are just as effective as tablets. Well they have the oil which helps the Vitamin D absorb since D is fat soluble I guess.
Gordon's user avatar
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Do UV-B emitting lamps for reptile pets produce vitamin-D in human skin?

I don’t know if they can be used, but they shouldn’t. Recently, sun exposure is considered more and more harmful to the skin. This is why for recommended Vitamin D levels, no sun exposure whatsoever ...
Narusan's user avatar
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What is the best natural source of Vitamin D (excluding sun)?

The two major forms [of vitamin D] are vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is largely human-made and added to foods, whereas vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is synthesized in the skin ...
program's user avatar
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How long does it take to beat vitamin D deficiency

Ideally, people should get enough vitamin D from their food. However, that's difficult to do, Many folks don't get enough of the nutrient from dietary sources like fatty fish and fortified milk. Ref: ...
Physicsapproval's user avatar

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