Are there health risks associated with dropping to very low fat levels, as athletes often do?
There is a well documented association between strenuous exercise and menstrual irregularities in women.
Some authors have argued this should not be considered pathological since the effect is ...
Potassium chloride for electrolyte replenishment instead of monopotassium phosphate
In solution, none of these original chemical salts matter because they dissociate entirely. All you have once you add water are ions in solution. Potassium ions in solution are potassium ions in ...
Sport in the time of pandemics - what is the risk
The long and short of it is that the novel coronavirus can be experimentally aerosolized where it can persist in the air for several hours but a number of studies have failed to detect virus in ...
Different types of nociceptors in muscle vs connective tissue?
Your question focuses on the location of the receptors (the part of the nociceptors that is reacting to mechanical, thermal, or chemical stimuli).
An equally important part of a nociceptor is the ...
Playing badminton after tooth extraction
That will be hard to predict, as it varies from person to person. I've had one of them extracted and could train the next day (a different sport, korfball, but with similar impact on your body as ...
Subconcussive brain trauma
This all falls to a matter of degree - most importantly mechanism of injury. I'll explain the physics in allegorical terms first and then explain as it relates to medicine.
The mechanism refers to ...
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