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6 votes

Term for a person who sleeps as they need to, rather than with any regular pattern?

As far as I know, there's no medical term for a person who does such a thing (and I doubt it would be labelled a disorder since practically everyone can do it to some extent), but the 2nd part of the ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
6 votes

Can oversleeping be harmful to overall health?

Studies have linked oversleeping with Cognitive impairment Depression Increased inflammation Increased pain Impaired fertility Higher risk of obesity Higher risk of diabetes Higher risk of heart ...
claire20's user avatar
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4 votes

Does caffeine boost adenosine buildup?

Your question demonstrates a key understanding of homeostatic mechanisms: in many cases, long-term pharmaceutical modulation leads to compensatory changes that blunt the effects of the modulation. ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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4 votes

Does less sleep lead to weight loss?

Actually lack of sleep leads to weight gain and not weight loss. Losing out on sleep creates a viscous cycle in your body, making you more prone to various factors contributing to weight gain. “The ...
Prince's user avatar
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Exactly what triggers the release of Melatonin?

Melatonin synthesis and secretion (pineal gland) is enhanced by darkness and inhibited by light (photons). DOI: 10.1530/ror.0.0030013 PMID: 9509985
BMK_83's user avatar
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Which impacts one's sleep more - waking up towards the beginning of a sleep cycle, or the end?

Generally, NREM phase 3 (N3) also known as deep sleep, is considered to be the sleep phase in which the body rests the most and people suddenly awakened during this phase may have unpleasant ...
nsa's user avatar
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Why do I feel more tired when I sleep in?

Good question Tehp. You know what I also experienced that, according to Dr. Michael Breus, a Sleep Doctor that a sleep has its own cycle. The sleep-wake cycle follows a regular pattern (circadian ...
Kate Forsyth's user avatar
2 votes

Does a computer screen work as a lightbox?

I don't know if there is research on this, but if not, this might help. Natural daylight contains a wide range of light frequencies - hence the rainbow, when it's split up. At different times of day, ...
Stilez's user avatar
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Sleeping 6 hours discontinuously every day

This is generally unhealthy, especially as sleep cannot be made up or paid back like financial debt. Try to get back to at least seven hours. As always, consult with a doctor. See: National Sleep ...
user11750's user avatar
2 votes

How to get to sleep half-an-hour / an hour earlier than the day before?

Sleep Hygiene is the first line treatment for most insomnia. This is another good list from Harvard. Anecdotally, the principles of it that worked best for me were blackout curtains, removing ...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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Do hearing-impaired individuals need more sleep?

A hot topic in hearing research right now is listening effort. The basic idea is that is that individuals with hearing loss need to use additional cognitive resources to process sounds. There is also ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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How much melatonin does the body produce naturally per day?

According to 1 the production of the hormone melatonin (5-methoxy-N-acetyltrypt-amine) varies over the course of a lifetime and over the course of a day. Newborn babies produce very ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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When should we sleep?

It's best to choose the time period for sleeping such that it doesn't need to be changed often, as this leads to better sleep quality. If this means that you need to sleep during daytime, then you ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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What happens to melatonin and the circadian rythm when one adopts biphasic sleep cycle?

Yes, something quite similar to what you hypothesize in fact! According to this study (unfortunately, behind a paywall): In short photoperiods, human sleep is biphasic. (Literally the title of the ...
Dave Liu's user avatar
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Sleeping 6 hours discontinuously every day

The way you are sleeping is not necessarily unhealthy, but this is easily debatable and you should probably look at what social and lifestyle factors may be affecting your sleep duration and consider ...
PCARR's user avatar
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Is setting your alarm for a long duration at a lower volume a good way to ensure you wake up in light sleep?

How deep the sleep is depends on the sleep cycles. This overview from shows, that the deepest sleep stages 3 & 4 only happen during the first half of the night. The second half is mainly REM sleep....
KTB's user avatar
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How much sleep is too much?

For the causes of mortality with short and long sleep, the first linked article in @CountIblis' answer (Gallicchio & Kalesan, 2009) states that The specific mechanisms underlying the association ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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