How can a potential patient grow tissues from their stem cells to have surgically implanted?
I am not sure if I understood your question correctly and also this is not my main field of knowledge, even though let me try to make my contribution with this (not final) answer.
Stem cells can be ...
Application of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) and other external materials in transgender female's vaginoplasty
Acellular dermal matrix has been used experimentally [1,2] to successfully repair vaginal agenesis in cisgender female patients, so there's some evidence to support that ADM could be used in an SRS ...
Is combining silicone plasters and silicone gels for scars effective?
There are many factors that can determine how well an individual will heal and scar. While many treatments have been suggested for the treatment of scars, only a few of them have been supported by ...
Does chin augmentation (through plastic surgery) affect dental prosthesis (or vice versa)
The question of augmentation-or-prothesis first is difficult to answer, and may even be based on the personal physiology of an individual. As such, health.se can't address that question.
Regarding ...
Fat cut out and repositioned in facial surgery - how does it survive and reattach?
First, I think it's useful to clarify exactly what the surgeon is doing here:
The Five-Step Lower Blepharoplasty: Blending the Eyelid-Cheek Junction.
Rohrich et al. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery....
What is the term for external tissue insufficiency due to surgery?
To be clear with Surgery Nomenclature, it does not matter how the injury was inflicted.
The term you are seeking is: "Depressed Cutaneous Scar". More information here(Pay-wall), and here.
Why many usually-very-painful medical processes aren't done under conscious, generally painless-painkilling?
Lidocaine1 is not categorized as a painkiller but as a (local) anesthetic; it can be used during minor procedures where the patient has full awareness by injecting it to the preferred site of action.
Can Cheek bone grow bigger and wider in adulthood when you gain weight?
Excessive calorie intake results in an increase of the body fat tissue but not muscle or bone tissue. Obesity does not make your bones thicker or longer. I don't have any source to back up this, but ...
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plastic-surgery × 29dermatology × 15
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