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What is the difference between Rhinitis, nasal congestion and runny nose?

This answer is about medical terminology as widely agreed and commonly used by medical professionals. Rhinitis is a broad name of a disease or condition with inflammation of the mucosal lining in ...
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Nasal spray or oral spray against airborne viruses

A relevant, unique research paper I found with particular relevance for COVID-19: Hypothesis: Nasal vs. oral inhalation accounts for the severity of COVID-19. People who lose their sense of smell ...
CoronavirusAirMist's user avatar
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Nasal spray or oral spray against airborne viruses

I agree with Mark, administration route probably doesn't matter because none of these were shown to work. ColdZyme has an open-label trial but which found no reduction in incidence, and only a very ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Nasal spray or oral spray against airborne viruses

I can't find any evidence that the oral sprays you list work. The ColdZyme website, for example, lists exactly zero studies, and specifically disclaims being a medicine. Taffix claims that a number ...
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