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37 votes

Why should I avoid milk when on antibiotics?

Products high in calcium and magnesium should not be taken at the same time as antibiotics of the tetracycline (tetracycline, doxicycline, etc.) class, and milk should also be avoided with the ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
9 votes

Is Cow Milk unhealthy?

In short: According to several recent systematic reviews of studies, milk consumption is not associated with significant side effects, increased mortality, cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease or ...
Jan's user avatar
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6 votes

Why should I avoid milk when on antibiotics?

This is most commonly a precaution to prevent Mal-absorption. Milk has copious amounts of calcium which bond with the antibiotic in the gut. Once the tetracycline (antibiotic) bonds, it creates a ...
cloudnyn3's user avatar
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Is pasteurized or non-pasteurized milk healthier for an adult male in his early 40s?

Pasteurized milk is perfectly safe for people of all ages but raw milk may or may not be. According to the CDC: Raw milk is milk from any animal that has not been pasteurized to kill harmful ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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5 votes

“There is a very strong correlation between consuming dairy products — such as milk — and acne, skin breakouts and aging.”

If the main thrust of the question is indeed expressed in the title and tags of the question: Q “There is a very strong correlation between consuming dairy products — such as milk — and acne, skin ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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“There is a very strong correlation between consuming dairy products — such as milk — and acne, skin breakouts and aging.”

These are biologically plausible effects supported by moderate quality observational evidence. As a personal aside, I do not believe there is enough evidence for harm to recommend eliminating dairy ...
De Novo's user avatar
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5 votes

Is Cow Milk unhealthy?

There are several issues regarding dairy that have to be taken into consideration. One is the link between casein and cancers. I have heard a presentation from the author of some of the prominent ...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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Can a person eliminate lactose intolerance through extended exposure?

Very generally speaking I would say it depends on the cause of the intolerance - if it is a primary intolerance (i. e. genetic problem with lactase persistence deficiency, the enzyme for digesting ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Does boiling milk really make the nutrients in it less useful to the body when ingesting it?

In short: Cooking milk has probably only a minor effect on its nutritional value. MICRONUTRIENTS: According to USDA Table of Nutrient Retention Factors (p. 5), in milk heated for 10 minutes, the ...
Jan's user avatar
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Maximum recommended daily intake of full fat milk for 12 year old?

I have found no credible source that would mention "maximum recommended daily amount of full fat milk." MedlinePlus: The US Department of Agriculture recommends the following daily amounts of ...
Jan's user avatar
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How much sugar is in my UHT Milk?

No, that is incorrect. Liters are a measure of volume but grams are a measure of weight, so you need to convert 1 liter of milk to the weight of 1 liter of milk. (Your calculations would be correct ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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Combining lactose-free dairy and regular dairy

As you imply in your question, enzymes are catalysts, and as such, participate in a chemical reaction but remain unchanged after that reaction is completed. Therefore, once lactase has converted a ...
BillDOe's user avatar
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2 votes

Should a toddler drink milk if has congestion?

The following is for adults: Relationship between milk intake and mucus production in adult volunteers challenged with rhinovirus-2. (PubMed): In individuals inoculated with the common cold virus,...
Jan's user avatar
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1 vote

“There is a very strong correlation between consuming dairy products — such as milk — and acne, skin breakouts and aging.”

Milk is a specialised substance produced by mammals to support development during the infant growth phase. The nutritional content in milk represents a postnatal continuum of the support established ...
haz's user avatar
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Does milk really affect sleep?

Milk contains two substances that are known to be related to sleep and relaxation: the hormone melatonin and the amino acid tryptophan. The amount of melatonin in a glass of milk is minute, much less ...
Prince's user avatar
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Does milk tea cause darkening of the skin?

This seems to be a common misconception and there are many non-peer-reviewed articles online debunking this myth; like this example. In a review of literature, Tea and Health: Studies in Humans, Khan ...
Chris's user avatar
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Is "we are the only species drinking milk from other animals" a good argument against drinking milk?

It's not a good argument which doesn't meant hat there aren't better arguments in favor of it. The problem with "we're the only animals that do X" arguments, is that you can substitute for X a lot of ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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