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7 votes

Knowing the root cause of one's hypothyroidism? How to know if it's Hashimotos Disease?

I am answering this almost two years after it was asked, but I hope an answer can still be useful! Hashimoto’s Disease You are correct that Hashimoto’s disease (also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)...
Chris's user avatar
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7 votes

Top medications to treat symptoms of Lupus?

Your question is difficult to answer (but still interesting) because lupus is a highly heterogeneous condition which can present various symptoms and organ involvement. Choice of therapy will be ...
M. Arrowsmith's user avatar
6 votes

Do collagen supplements help ease some of the symtoms of Lupus?

Studies have shown that arthritis (joint inflammation) and arthralgias (joint pain) are reported in up to 95 percent of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). There is currently no ...
M. Arrowsmith's user avatar
5 votes

How is sunlight a Lupus trigger for some? What exactly about the sun often causes Lupus flare-ups?

Very interesting question. Thank you. The pathophysiology of photosensibility in lupus patients is related to the effect of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on cells of the immune system. UVR stimulates ...
M. Arrowsmith's user avatar
5 votes

Are Lupus patients typically good candidates for total ankle replacements?

When you browse through Pubmed, there are two articles which provide some insights for your question: Shah U, Mandl L, Mertelsmann-Voss C, et al. Systemic lupus erythematosus is not a risk factor for ...
Felipe's user avatar
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3 votes

Why are inflammatory arthritides worse at night and in the morning?

Although the etiology is unknown, we have a bit of an idea of its pathophysiology Etiology of RA is unknown. Although the impact of genetic factors is obvious, the genetic basis is not sufficient ...
kit's user avatar
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3 votes

Positive ANA test suggestive of Lupus/SLE, but is 1:160 still ambiguous?

Your doctor may use the term "possible lupus" if you meet part, but not all of the diagnostic criteria for lupus [1]. I'm assuming in the remainder of this post that you do not meet criteria for "...
user2398029's user avatar
2 votes

what is the mechanism through which TLR 7 agonist causes autoimmune disease?

There is a subtype of lupus called Drug induced lupus (DIL), as the name says certain drugs cause the signs and symptoms of lupus in susceptible individuals. The difference between DIL and normal ...
Bashi's user avatar
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