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8 votes

How does a thymus transplantation work? Why doesn't it result in rejection of the recipient's... everything?

In the original New England Journal of Medicine paper (Markert et al 1999. PMID 10523153), the authors demonstrate that following transplantation, the donor thymus contains recipient T-cells. the use ...
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5 votes

Do vaccinated people not have zero risk of mortality by Covid 19?

No it's not zero, even in the US. The March 20 Vox report is talking about the clinical trials, which were conducted on tens of thousands of people, who were generally healthy. In the subsequent ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
4 votes

Why don't we have mDNA vaccines?

mRNA (messenger RNA) is the "working copy" of gene that the machinery in the cell's cytoplasm uses to direct synthesis of a protein (translation). Thus, if you can get a suitable-looking ...
Armand's user avatar
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What exactly is the difference between Sputnik V lite and Astrazeneca vaccine?

Astrazeneca uses a modified chimpanzee adenovirus vector. Sputnik uses a modified hybrid human adenovirus vector. Since many (most?) humans have been previously exposed to human adenoviruses (but not ...
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