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5 votes

Does hair gel damage your hair?

There are two main things to consider here: What kind of hairloss is there? What is in the product that is applied to the hair? concerning 1: All humans loose their hair, constantly. That is part ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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4 votes

Sensation of something tingling on head-hair - not itchy

The NHS recommends not to use any of the following treatment options: products containing permethrin head lice "repellents" electric head lice combs tree and plant oil treatments, such as ...
Narusan's user avatar
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4 votes

Strange hair growth behavior

There are more possible causes, other than generics, as described here: Stress Stress can also affect your hair. A 2013 study found a connection between stress and a depletion of stem cells in ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
4 votes

Onion juice and hair regrowth

Every single website that suggests onion juice is good for hair regrowth doesn't have credible sources. I went through a lot and all of them are full of mumbo jumbo and charlatans. However, this ...
Antony's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does dandruff shampoo loose effectiveness without shampoo alternation?

Malassezia overgrowth is thought be the cause of most cases of dandruff (1) and rotating treatments avoids the development of resistance. However, some have argued that overgrowth of Malassezia is a ...
Rhyothemis princeps's user avatar
3 votes

How likely is intracranial thrombophlebitis after nasal hair removal and is there an increased risk for inhaling harmful substances?

1) How likely is intracranial thrombophlebitis after nasal hair removal? Cavernous sinus thrombosis (Stat Pearls, 2019) after nasal hair removal (or from any cause) seems to be rare but possible: ....
Jan's user avatar
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Has finasteride been shown to cause erectile dysfunction?

There have been a couple of studies, including the one you cite, that link finasteride with persistent erectile dysfunction. (Bear in mind that the rates of PED reported in these studies are actually ...
EDtreatment's user avatar
3 votes

What are the cures for gray hair?

The study did not investigate the causes of, or possible treatments of, grey hair. However, the research focused on vitiligo, specifically looking at segmental vitiligo (NHS, 2013). The NHS went ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to never grow a full beard

Growing a beard is mostly due to genetics and your sensitivity to testosterone levels: When people have no facial hair, they tend to think it’s because of the fact that they have low testosterone. ...
Narusan's user avatar
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2 votes

Can you be hyperthyroid even if levels are in Lab range

The personal set-point of thyroid homeostasis may differ between individuals [1, 2]. Multiple studies showed that the intra-individual variation of both TSH and peripheral thyroid hormones is smaller ...
jwdietrich's user avatar
2 votes

Is length a cause of alopecia?

No, long hair has a appearance of falling out. But everyone's hair is constantly falling out. Hair generally falls out at a rate of 50 to 100 strands of hair a day. And regrowth of the hair generally ...
KCasper's user avatar
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2 votes

a cure for gray hair is on the way?

I haven't read the article, only the abstract, but what it's saying is that, for people with grey or white hair, darkening of hair color is an indication that anti–PD-1/anti–PD-L1 treatment for lung ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does dandruff shampoo loose effectiveness without shampoo alternation?

Currently, there seems to be no convincing evidence to say that alternating between shampoos prolongs their effectiveness in treating dandruff. 1) According to the Scientific Committee on Cosmetic ...
Jan's user avatar
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1 vote

Are there any studies that prove the effectiveness of saw palmetto for restoring hair in the bald places and stop hair fall?

These are extracts and links: Other proposed treatments include saw palmetto extract (Serenoa Repens); prostaglandin analogs like latanoprost and bimatoprost, which may be cost prohibitive (https://...
Physicsapproval's user avatar
1 vote

Sensation of something tingling on head-hair - not itchy

You could use a lice comb and look for nits as well. My family and I had them once after traveling and we used olive oil and a lice comb and it worked well.
padma's user avatar
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