New answers tagged glasses
Shading only one eye as a strategy to visually measure effect of sunglasses
After talking with an optometrist, her professional opinion was that someone's pupils should always match in dilation, independent of the tint applied to either eye. If they differ, there is likely an ...
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glasses × 31eye × 16
optometry × 10
vision × 5
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uv-rays × 3
eye-strain × 3
sunlight × 3
computers × 2
sun-exposure × 2
opthalmology × 2
contact-lenses × 2
blurry-vision × 2
astigmatism × 2
cancer × 1
risks × 1
disease × 1
blood-circulation × 1
effectiveness × 1
pediatrics × 1
stress × 1
headache × 1
test-results × 1
metal × 1