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8 votes

why don't babies drown in the womb?

Why does a foetus not drown? The foetus gets oxygen through the mother's umbilical cord: The fetus receives its oxygen supply across the placenta, to which oxygen is delivered by maternal blood. ...
Narusan's user avatar
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Growing foetus in another woman's womb

Currently no, but there is work in progress that will allow extremely premature babies to be grown in artificial uteri. It has so far worked well for baby goats.
user9119's user avatar
3 votes

How does a late term abortion work?

8th Month is ~ 32 Weeks, pregnancy is usually ~40 weeks Up to 15 weeks' gestation, suction-aspiration or vacuum aspiration are the most common surgical methods of induced abortion. (Healthwise, 2004) ...
John's user avatar
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Growing foetus in another woman's womb

Taking a partly developed foetus out of the mother? This is currently not an available method. However, there are methods out there for the problems you described: Three-parent baby One method ...
Narusan's user avatar
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Do fetuses' blood types ever cause Graft versus Host in the mother?

Very rarely, The AB father plus O mother scenario you describe can cause a disease: More commonly, Rh-positive father plus Rh-...
Jonathan Ray's user avatar
2 votes

What are the effects of smoking in the first week of pregnancy?

You are still very early in your pregnancy, so it is likely that everything will be fine if you take measures to stop smoking now. I would highly suggest meeting with your OBGYN to discuss safe ...
Dr. Mom's user avatar
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Any scientific evidence that consumption of the placenta is nutrious for a new mother? Does it prevent postpartum depression?

I'm sure its been well-known among females that eating the placenta has lots of health benefits, but recent studies has shown that it doesn't. Meredith Carlson Daly studied this and commented saying;...
Prince's user avatar
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Why are there no "ethically unobjectionable" alternatives to HEK-293, WI-38, MRC-5, etc?

Different cell lines exist for different reasons, depending on the cell type and their properties they are useful for different experiments. HEK-293 - Embryonic Stem Cells - Female WI-38 - ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Why are there no "ethically unobjectionable" alternatives to HEK-293, WI-38, MRC-5, etc?

In addition to @Andrew's answer about technical limitations, consider that searching for "HEK-293" for example on Google Scholar returns over 120,000 results. The thousands and thousands of ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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Growing foetus in another woman's womb

No, first you should go throw an IVF process (egg retrieval process and a fertilization by sperm in a lab). Once the embryos are created, after 3 or 5 days they can be transferred to a gestational ...
John's user avatar
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