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Can mechanical keyboards alleviate the pain of RSI (vs. regular keyboards)?

Most searches I conducted for this lead to unreferenced opinion pieces or articles on sites selling mechanical keyboards. However, I found an experimental study conducted in the Philippines in 2022 ...
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Using X-ray to diagnose unilateral chronic neck and/or shoulder pain from decades of computer work

Yes, many physicians will be very prone to use X-ray or MRI to diagnose one-sided shoulder pain in an otherwise healthy person, but not necessary as the first thing. There is a variety of physical ...
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Unilateral shoulder injuries due to decades of working in front of a computer

The differential diagnosis of a unilateral shoulder pain associated with computer work: Mouse shoulder due to inappropriate arm position during working with a computer mouse (CCOHS, Acta Inform Med) ...
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is there evidence that determines the appropriate amount of standing time in a day?

Aren't you in luck, I asked a very similar question over in physical fitness SE: Here is the top answer: A ...
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