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8 votes

why don't babies drown in the womb?

Why does a foetus not drown? The foetus gets oxygen through the mother's umbilical cord: The fetus receives its oxygen supply across the placenta, to which oxygen is delivered by maternal blood. ...
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How long does it take to die from drowning?

Yes, it's very realistic. The boys were apparently clinically dead when found. Clinical death means there is no pulse or respirations. Clinical death is not necessarily permanent. CPR, ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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How long does it take to die from drowning?

As far as I know it depends on how much damage it has been done to the brain firstly and the other organs. Usually the first cells to die in the brain are those located in hypotalamus and they ...
Kermilli's user avatar
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Is it possible for a healthy person to drown in their sleep without waking up?

No, that's not even a little bit plausible unless something else caused seizures or altered mental status that would deaden the normal airway protection reflexes. As you observed, inhaling water would ...
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