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4 votes

What treatments are available for dandruff/psoriasis

It’s important to clarify that in a clinical setting, dandruff is associated with seborrheic dermatitis, which is not (and is not treated) the same as psoriasis. From UpToDate: Seborrheic ...
Bruce Kirkpatrick's user avatar
3 votes

Why does dandruff shampoo loose effectiveness without shampoo alternation?

Malassezia overgrowth is thought be the cause of most cases of dandruff (1) and rotating treatments avoids the development of resistance. However, some have argued that overgrowth of Malassezia is a ...
Rhyothemis princeps's user avatar
2 votes

Why does dandruff shampoo loose effectiveness without shampoo alternation?

Currently, there seems to be no convincing evidence to say that alternating between shampoos prolongs their effectiveness in treating dandruff. 1) According to the Scientific Committee on Cosmetic ...
Jan's user avatar
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Any physical benefits to acne? Does the oil keep skin from wrinkling & sagging in the future? Can it prevent razor-burn & dandruff now?

According to this study 1 those of us with oily skin may have less forehead wrinkles.
user87022's user avatar

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