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8 votes

How far away from a highway should I live to avoid negative health effects?

To answer this question you would need to find the source of the information. I found the study mentioned in the article in the Toronto Star (Chen, et al. 2017); and while studying risks of dementia, ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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7 votes

Heart Attack Risk Score calculation

I think you are looking for the the risk score assessment tool based on the Framingham Heart Study. It predicts a person’s risk of having a heart attack in the next 10 years. It takes into account ...
S.Victor's user avatar
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Baby aspirin interaction with other NSAIDs

Is it right and safe to prescribe this combination (NSAID like diclofenac + baby Aspirin) specially with the knowledge that this combination gonna be used for a long time? While NSAID are ...
S.Victor's user avatar
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What is the difference between vasoconstriction and contractility?

Although the term "contractility" can refer to contraction of any muscle, including skeletal muscle (e.g. biceps) and smooth muscle (e.g. muscles in arterial walls), in medicine contractility usually ...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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6 votes

Does COVID-19 cause myocardial infarctions?

Cardiovascular disease is known to worsen during infections such as influenza through two proposed mechanisms: cytokines from the resulting inflammation cause weaken atherosclerotic plaques and cause ...
D.Tan's user avatar
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Ultrasound sniff test: why does lowering intrathoracic pressure collapse the subclavian vein?

Your thought process is correct; in the absence of all other factors, physics dictates that the reduction of pressure surrounding a flexible fluid-filled vessel would result in expansion. But there ...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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5 votes

Can dental problems impact cardiovascular health?

There is a well known disease process of oral bacteria getting into the blood and causing organ damage. I cite from the abstract of Hirschfeld, J., & Kawai, T. (2015). Oral inflammation and ...
Michael Paul's user avatar
5 votes

If high cholesterol does not cause as atherosclerosis? Then what does?

The NHS page you linked to does quite a good job of explaining why the study that puts forward the claim that there isn't a link doesn't actually quite say that with any degree of certainty. They are ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
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If high cholesterol does not cause as atherosclerosis? Then what does?

The mentioned paper has been published in BMJ Open in 2015: The Association Between Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Mortality in the Elderly. A systematic review. The NHS article mentions the ...
Jan's user avatar
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4 votes

How far away from a highway should I live to avoid negative health effects?

There are many factors to consider. The pollution level (and risk) depends on at least the following: typical wind direction during rush hour density of trees between you and the road elevation ...
Terrance38's user avatar
3 votes

Does COVID-19 cause myocardial infarctions?

A case series in Seattle published in JAMA on March 17, 2020 describes a potential cardiomyopathy associated with coronavirus in critically-ill patients. Current thinking includes a potential direct ...
Henry Wei's user avatar
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3 votes

Does vasodilation in one part of the body mean another part of the body must vasoconstrict?

You can think of blood volume and blood vessels as a closed system for your nitrates example. Vasodilation does not change blood volume; it changes the volume the container (the blood vessels) can ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
3 votes

How well established is the connection between insulin resistance and CVD?

In summary, there is a strong evidence to say that the risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) include: High LDL-cholesterol Insulin resistance High saturated/unsaturated fat intake ratio and ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there any evidence that Nitric oxide prevents or reverses cardio-vascular disease?

From what I know from as a general practitioner, NO and drugs that release NO do not prevent nor reverse coronary disease. Nitrates, so drugs that release NO, are commonly prescribed to treat coronary ...
Adam Zalewski's user avatar
3 votes

Can pectus excavatum increase the risk of cardio vascular disease?

This is a very interesting question. Thank you. Just as a small background on pectus excavatum (PE) (also known as "funnel chest"). It is characterised by depression of the sternum that begins over ...
M. Arrowsmith's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a drug being developed for heart palpitations without arrhythmia?

A definitive answer is unlikely because drug companies don't normally make it publicly known what drugs they're developing. There are a number of antiarrhythmic drugs already available that could ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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2 votes

Eggs & heart health?

Consumption of 1-2 eggs per day is not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, according to the following systematic reviews of studies: Egg consumption in relation to risk of ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

Why would one Carotid Artery be blocked but not the other

The amount of blockage depends on factors that are somewhat random as they depend on many things that can sometimes be more in one artery and less in the other. WebMD - Clogged Arteries Plaque ...
Pobrecita's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are some guidewire's tips bend for endovascular interventions?

An endovascular wire moves by being manipulated mechanically at the shaft, outside the body. All you can do with a wire is push/pull it and twist it. When you push forward, it goes the way the tip is ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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1 vote

Why is carotid endarterectomy not beneficial for symptomatic 100% internal carotid stenosis?

I think this is probably due to selection bias, but I cannot find a source from someone in the field to reference. Instead, to support this conclusion, note that in the review you reference, the ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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if diameter of alveoli is reduced to half, resistance becomes?

The resistance is defined as pressure difference per flow (basically just an application of Ohm's law). With Hagen-Poiseulle: So if the alveoli diameter is reduced to half (resulting in a halved ...
Narusan's user avatar
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Difference between BHI biphasic and Castaneda culture media in diagnosis of infective endocarditis

This website lists many substances used as culture media for laboratory testing. Brain heart infusion (BHI) broth is rich in nutrients and is made from bovine or porcine brain and heart tissue. It is ...
Chris's user avatar
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