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20 votes

Why aren't leg amputations done at the knee joint?

If you think about prosthetic devices, the answer will soon become clear. You would not wish to have your thigh bone extended by an extra six or eight inches (about the minimum distance that one ...
Polyhat's user avatar
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10 votes

Why aren't leg amputations done at the knee joint?

The bone cut must be proximal enough to perform a myodesis (anchoring the muscle through drill holes near the cut end of the bone) or myoplasty (suturing the fascia of antagonistic muscles together) ...
Dylan Russell's user avatar
9 votes

Is Cow Milk unhealthy?

In short: According to several recent systematic reviews of studies, milk consumption is not associated with significant side effects, increased mortality, cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease or ...
Jan's user avatar
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6 votes

What sort of damage would someone get from a 80ft drop?

First off, she would be killed instantly. There wouldn't be any question of what might kill her "ultimately" because ultimately would be the moment she hit the ground. Yes, there have been people who ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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6 votes

How does breastfeeding protect the mother's bones?

I can understand your confusion, since the literature has confounding data. However, I would suggest that you expand your reasoning beyond only thinking about calcium demand and consider hormonal ...
Thomas TJ Checkley's user avatar
6 votes

What contagious diseases can be diagnosed by x-ray test on chest?

A chest X-ray can detect changes in the lungs that occur in certain infections, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, tularemia, aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, plague, etc (American Journal of Rentgenology)...
Jan's user avatar
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5 votes

Is Cow Milk unhealthy?

There are several issues regarding dairy that have to be taken into consideration. One is the link between casein and cancers. I have heard a presentation from the author of some of the prominent ...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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I always thought mouth breathing was a joke

Not only in adults, even in children, if treated too late, the bone changes can be irreversible - they may not re-morph naturally. The article linked from your question: Influence of Mouth Breathing ...
Jan's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the difference between a foramen and a fissure?

That's right, the difference is in the shape. According to dictionary, a fissure is: A narrow opening produced by cleavage or separation of parts. ... Anatomy. A natural division or groove ...
practiZ's user avatar
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3 votes

Why aren't leg amputations done at the knee joint?

Because every piece of biological function that can be retained is one less act for the patient to re-learn and for a prosthetic to replicate. Removing a patient's knee and below means a more ...
Criggie's user avatar
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3 votes

What sort of damage would someone get from a 80ft drop?

I agree with @Carey Gregory's answer. I can tell you how a man falling only 30 feet landing on his back on concrete died. A 30 year old male working on the underside (?) of a bridge, unsecured, fell ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
2 votes

Location of olecranon

Well, the X in the image is just below the olecranon. Pain in X could arise from the olecranon bursa or muscle tendons, for example, and you could still call it "olecranon pain" - this is not a name ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

Fish bone stuck in my throat

Homeopathy remedies have no physiological effect ( A homeopathic consultation along with the associated ritual of prescription etc may have a psychological or ...
rhialto's user avatar
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2 votes

Why can biodegradable materials not increase limb length via surgery?

Victor, I'm not going to name off three reasons but instead ask you to think what is involved in leg lengthening, and try to explain why it's impossible to do so by the method you refer to. Many ...
Jude's user avatar
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2 votes

Can your finger bones grow thicker after extreme pressure or use?

Bones and tendons take quite a long time to condition due to pressure. Generally the remodelling you do see see happens over a prolonged period of time. The sort you see most frequently is in athletes,...
Philip Marais's user avatar
2 votes

Do skeleton bones hold together after death & decay?

Bones are connected to each other by ligaments which are composed primarily of collagen. After a sufficient period of time the ligaments will decompose and the skeletal remains will be reduced to ...
Jon Bear's user avatar
2 votes

Haemopoiesis (blood cell development) in bone marrow

Image source: cancer .gov. Bone marrow is a semi-solid tissue found within the spongy or cancellous (denoting bone tissue with a meshlike structure containing many pores, typical of the interior of ...
Sikander's user avatar
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2 votes

Haemopoiesis (blood cell development) in bone marrow

It's really simple, your misunderstanding just comes from mixing macro- and microanatomy. Macroscopically, all of bone marrow is located inside the bone, in the medullar cavity. Microscopically, bone ...
practiZ's user avatar
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1 vote

What is mesenchymal tissue?

During a process called gastrulation, an embryo forms 3 basic tissue layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. In general terms, the ectoderm forms the skin and nervous system, the mesoderm forms the ...
D.Tan's user avatar
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Does peak bone density have any other role in preventing osteoporosis?

Peak bone mass is the maximum amount of bone a person has during their life. It typically occurs in the early 20s in females and late 20s in males. Peak bone mass is typically lower in females than ...
CCR's user avatar
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Why does body movement still affect fractured bone when it is immobilized?

By immobilization of the elbow you are just keeping the elbow joint in place, which means the forearm does not move in the relation to the upper arm. But there are other things that can move the ...
Jan's user avatar
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What is the tailbone for?

According to an online article [See Reference], “The tailbone derived its name because some people believe it is a ‘leftover’ part from human evolution, though the notion that the tailbone serves no ...
Testerx's user avatar
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What type of exercises should a person do if he/she is suffering from osteoporosis?

Source Osteoporosis exercises are encouraged for a number of reasons. First and foremost exercise is good in a general sense, but building muscle strength can be really beneficial to people who may ...
Laura's user avatar
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