8 votes

Area unit for mmHg pressure

My physics is a bit rusty, but the equation for pressure of a liquid is p = ρgh where rho is the density, g is the local gravity and h is the height of the column of liquid. As you can see from this ...
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5 votes

Area unit for mmHg pressure

As per Narusan's answer, it's an artifact of the method of measurement from using a column of mercury in a curved vacuum tube. Equivalent of 7.50062 mm of mercury is 1 kPa, or 0.150 psi or 10 ...
Jiminy Cricket.'s user avatar
3 votes

Area unit for mmHg pressure

Consider a liquid of density ρ and volume V, its weight on the ground is: p = ρ V If this volume of liquid is a column of constant cross-section s over a height h, then: p = ρ h s The pressure this ...
dan's user avatar
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3 votes

Area unit for mmHg pressure

When looked at dimensionally, "mmHg" as a pressure measurement is "cubic millimeters of mercury per square millimeter". Basic dimensional analysis says that you can cancel your ...
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