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How does a herniated spinal disk correct itself?

The herniated part of the disc can be resorbed by the inflammatory process, which means that inflammatory cells, such as macrophages, can remove the damaged tissue. The healing time can range from ...
Jan's user avatar
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4 votes

Dealing with a lot of standing

How can I deal with standing for long periods? I have an odd sensation, like pins and needles The technical name for that kind of altered sensation is paraesthesia. It can have a number of causes; ...
bertieb's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does metastatic bone cancer present as back pain that is "worse at night"?

Not sure why I didn't think of this earlier, but back pain that is worse at night due to metastatic cancer to the spine is caused by tumor compressing spinal cord when lying on your back. Anything ...
D.Tan's user avatar
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What causes acne, and how do I get rid of it?

According studies, it's an interaction between genetics and environment. If you parents had acne, you might have. But, overall, diet and stress are big factors for acne : your genetic makes you more ...
John's user avatar
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2 votes

Can Spinal Alignment Cause Fatigue? Yes indeed it can. Even very subtle misalignment can cause a variety of issues. Most commonly it's early joint degradation and odd sensations in ...
cloudnyn3's user avatar
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Do NSAIDs hamper herniated disc resorption?

This answer is about the effect of NSAIDs and steroids on the resorption of disc herniation and pain. There seem to be no clinical trials in which NSAIDs or other drugs would slow down the resorption ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the current evidence on treating back injury?

This is a difficult question to answer because it is very broad. Your sources concern a number of different pathologies which have different mechanisms and different treatment approaches. It's ...
Brian Ó Maoláin's user avatar
1 vote

Are ergonomic office stools aka "sitting stools" (i.e. seating without back and armrests) really better for your back?

Not really, unless you only sit for short periods of time. During prolonged sitting, your posture will inevitably deteriorate, especially if you are focused on a task. In a sitting "stool", ...
Francesco Favro's user avatar
1 vote

Can Spinal Alignment Cause Fatigue?

Unfortunately the answer to this question is at this time purely anecdotal. Unless someone can find research studies to back up some of these observations you will have to rely on biased answers such ...
user11216's user avatar
1 vote

Protrusion or Extrusion?

To me it appears like an extrusion, have a close look at this. The aperture of the disk material that is outside its confined space is larger than the the width of its normal boundaries. Since, it's ...
WhiteSword's user avatar
1 vote

How do I know I slipped a disc?

A herniated (slipped) disc in the neck (cervical) spine causes pain in the neck, between the shoulder blades and often radiates down one arm. Placing a hand on the affected side on top of the head ...
Jan's user avatar
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What causes sudden stabbing back pain?

According to my understanding and experience sudden back pain can be considered as a sort of spasm. As such it cannot be controlled or relaxed intentionally. The patient is also not even aware of the ...
Frank Breitling's user avatar
1 vote

What's the best long-term sitting posture?

From my experience, it is better to change postures while you sit long. Most often, I sit in a posture similar to below yoga posture 'Padmasana' in my chair, but not for so long, just for 5 or 10 ...
MoonMind's user avatar
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