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5 votes

Are elevated platelet levels (yet, still anemic) a symptom of endometriosis? Connection?

Depending on the laboratories, the upper limit for thrombocytes count varies between 350,000 to 450,000/microL (350 to 450 x 109 /L). Thrombocytosis refers to the condition where the thrombocyte ...
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5 votes

How is anaemia commonly diagnosed?

In the context of your question, the clinical context is limited to a patient's history (symptoms and relevant circumstances) and signs discovered during a physical examination, which can include ...
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3 votes

Liver for iron deficiency anemia

In short: Animal liver may not be a suitable source of iron to treat anemia in pregnancy. The upper tolerable intake for vitamin A --the amount that should not cause any side effects in an adult ...
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1 vote

Why does hydrops fetalis occur in erythroblastosis fetalis?

Many conditions can lead to fetal hydrops. The most significant contributing factor is the fetal homeostatic response to relative hypoxia. For a number of reasons, the fetus is more prone to the ...
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