**Are auditory hallucinations a side effect of Oxycodone (when used for a short period following a surgery)?** 

To give this question context, the following situation has been provided (not to be interpreted for diagnostic reasons specific to the individual): 

A person in their 30's had and was prescribed some medicine to manage pain. Oxycodone was taken several times the day of and after surgery. On the fourth day of recovery, while alone in residence, a deep man's voice is clearly and directly heard, saying, "Get Out!" 

So basically... **Could Oxycodone taken 2 days prior cause an auditory hallucination?** 

*(Again, not asking for a diagnosis -- just wondering, in general, about how long Oxycodone could be in a person's system to cause auditory hallucinations?)* 

  [1]: https://www.ehealthme.com/ds/gabapentin/hallucination-auditory/