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Questions tagged [water-retention]

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Consequences of habitual overconsumption of water?

I know the consequences of drinking too little water (dehydration then death), and drinking too much water within a period of time (also death), but what are the consequences of consistently drinking ...
James M's user avatar
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Limit of daily liquids - higher with electrolyte supplement?

I have been advised to consistently drink 100 (one hundred) oz of water/water-based liquids every day. I've done pretty well at keeping to that, but now that I have a cold, I'd like to drink more. On ...
Post169's user avatar
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drinking natural diuretics for fluid recommendations

Yeo's Chrysanthemum Tea Drink makes me urinate. A lot. I could easily drink enough of the stuff to satisfy the daily fluid intake recommendations. However, the more I drink, the more often I have to ...
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How to lose water weight? Or prevent water retention? [closed]

Lately, I have been feeling very bloated and it appears that my body is retaining water extensively. Although I know water weight is only a couple of pounds -- I find that it is very noticeable. Is ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar