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Questions tagged [triggers]

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8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Does increasing “allergy” histamine affect “wake” histamine? Do both respond to the same triggers?

I understand that histamine is used by the body as part of the immune response, widening blood vessels, etc., to aid the white blood cells in their attack. Often this ends up helping them attack ...
DonielF's user avatar
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World's decision to switch to LED lighting (to save $) cause more health problems? Migraines? Circadian-Rhythm? Seizures? Light-sensitivity?

I have not switched to LED lighting in my home (though I know that it saves a lot of money in the long run) because I know how it personally impacts me. Not only does it disrupt my circadian-rhythm (...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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Constipation during cold weather

I'm a Male late twenties living in the tropics. Over the past couple of years I get very bad constipation during the cold season. Drinking more water / fibre doesn't seem to help much. What is the ...
K.user's user avatar
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How come when I drink water really fast I get nauseous

How come when I drink water really fast I get nauseous then I burp and I feel better. What causes this?
Sanskros's user avatar
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Why/How does the change in weather trigger arthritic pain and migraines?

There is that old wives' tales: "I can feel it (storm coming) in my bones." But I actually find, at least for me, that this is somewhat accurate. What is it about the change in the weather that causes ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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What is the mechanism by which diarrhea is triggered?

I know that many things, from stress to pathogens, can cause diarrhea. But I was curious what in the digestive tract detects that something is wrong (eg are there chemoreceptors which find problems, ...
Hans's user avatar
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Is it possible to induce sleepwalking?

I read that lucid dreaming is able to be instigated under the right conditions and motivations. Is the same true for sleepwalking, although it is more of a condition?
nelomad's user avatar
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Why are taste and smell (and hearing a song from the 90's) such potent triggers for nostolgia? Benefits and Negatives of nostologia?

We've all experienced it, where we get a waft of some odor (whether pleasant or not), or bite into a long lost taste, or hear an old tune, see some forgotton photographs, (but emphasis on the taste ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar