Questions tagged [thigh]

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Where are less painful self-injection sites for sub-cutaneous injections? [closed]

If a sub-cutaneous injection is to be given, where is the least painful site? Injection into the thigh muscle is suggested for some unknown reason, and the instructions advise simply to avoid muscle ...
Jodes's user avatar
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laser hair reomval and varicose veins

Recently, I sterted a new health program ( eating healthy + exercising at least three times a week) . In addition to that, I bought a home laser hair removal machine, and I started using it on some ...
Nizar's user avatar
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Could someone reasonably bleed out from a puncture wound on the front of the thigh?

Could someone reasonably bleed out from a puncture wound on the front of the thigh? I am by no means an expert in physiology or any related science, but to my knowledge I suppose the only thing they ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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