Questions tagged [sweeteners]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Diet soft drinks and Diabetes

I have heard many times, for example in HealthLine and in Patient Info that diet soft drinks can be just as bad as sugary soft drinks when it comes to risk of diabetes. I am also reading what seems to ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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What is the current standpoint on artificial sweeteners?

I found this: Are artificial sweeteners safe? But I heard that there were studies/was a study released recently which were against artificial sweeteners. I can't really find them/it. Have you heard ...
Tudvari's user avatar
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Do sugar alcohols cause cancer according to the latest research?

According to this Upstate article, recent research has shown that there is a link between ingredients in sweeteners (sugar alcohols) and liver cancer. One of the coauthors has made several strong ...
BGa's user avatar
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Sweet Tooth: Healthier to brush before/after eating sweets? Fluoride protection effective if used right before?

What is the optimal time-of-day (if one is to live a little and eat a sweet treat every now and then) for consuming a sugary goodie? Before or after brushing teeth? After: I assume everyone one ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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Does High Fructose Corn Syrup show up in the sugar value on Nutrition Facts?

I noticed some sodas have a sugar value of say 35g. Then under sweeteners they list Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup. Is the HFCS part of that 35g or is that 35g of actual sugar and then an ...
leigero's user avatar
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