Questions tagged [recessive-gene]

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How to determine the chances of inheriting an autosomal recessive disease if the carrier status of parents is unknown?

My question is about determining the carrier chances of an autosomal recessive disease without actually testing for it and to validate my understanding about autosomal recessive disorders. In order to ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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Revealing a murderer based on a genetic condition

I'm writing a story, in which the detective will recognize a prescription for the victim is for relief of some genetic condition. He then claims that another character was the murderer because she ...
IchabodE's user avatar
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Is Klippel Feil Syndrome hereditary? Recessive/Dominant? Liklihood of passing it to offspring?

I assume Klippel Feil Syndrome (KFS) is genetic/hereditary because my sister and I both have it, and it's a rare disease. But if I'm wrong, please do correct me. Is KFS genetic-hereditary? My ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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Is it true that pheromones can synchronize a household of women's menstruation cycles? How? Why? Who's cycle is dominant?

Is it true that pheromones can synchronize a household of women's menstruation cycles? How? Why? Who's cycle is dominant? How long does it take for it to work? Or is this all a medical myth?
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar