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What is Contrast in Medical Imaging

The term contrast gets thrown around alot but I always have a hard time understanding it. Can some please explain it to me. What is contrast in general when it refers to medical imaging? Second how ...
rooni's user avatar
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DICOM SliceThickness proximity

I do have DICOMs (Digital Images and COmmunications in Medicine) from several CT volumes where most volumes miss the SliceThickness and SliceLocation attribute. Is there another attribute usually ...
turnman's user avatar
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Why is the Doppler angle setting supposed to be 60 degrees for arteries but 0 degrees for veins? [closed]

In ultrasonography, why isn't the Doppler angle correction supposed to be 60 degrees for veins just like it is for arteries?
user15038's user avatar
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Ultra Sound Gender Prediction Accuray

Sorry for a very basic Question (as I am a software engineer) but I am confused after getting material from internet about accuracy of Ultra Sound Gender prediction Question: How much this is likely ...
Naveed Yousaf's user avatar