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Questions tagged [pollen]

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Is their a way to train my body out of being allergic (to pollen)?

Disclaimer: if this is off-topic here, just let me know. This seemed like the right SE to ask it on. I get pretty bad hay fever in the spring/summer. Running nose, itching eyes, the whole thing. I ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
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What are the health differences between pollen and honey?

I am wondering if there are any health differences between eating pollen and honey. Or does the body treat both substances equally? To put it bluntly, is one healthier than the other?
orschiro's user avatar
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Catch a cold from the grass?

Every time I play with the dogs in the backyard, then the next day I get what feels like a 24-hour head cold. I've verified this at least 7 times. This doesn't happen to me when we run around on any ...
stromox's user avatar
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How can bee pollen be organic?

Bee pollen is frequently referred to as a health supplement and sold as "organic" in organic supermarkets and stores. I am wondering how pollen can be claimed to be organic and to what extent organic ...
orschiro's user avatar
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Can HEPA air purifiers release allergens when particles inside the filter decompose / break apart?

The smallest of pollen grains (~0.6 microns) and other allergens should be trapped by a HEPA filter, however what happens when these decay / break apart? Is the allergen the whole pollen grain or are ...
lm713's user avatar
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3 answers

Seasonal allergies home remedies

Like many I have seasonal allergies and spring time is hell I am allergic to grass and tree pollen Are there any home remedies that actually work ? Any way to train body to adapt?
SeanClt's user avatar
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8 votes
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Does some food increase pollen allergy symptoms?

As a pollen allergic, should I avoid of eating some kinds of food which may increase pollen allergy symptoms?
Luxqs's user avatar
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Do salt rooms really help fight pollen allergies?

I've heard that sitting in salt rooms, also known as halotherapy, can help fight pollen allergies. Is there any scientific proof that this claim is true? If so, why?
Luxqs's user avatar
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