Questions tagged [plaque]

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7 votes
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Is water flossing more efficient than string flossing to remove plaques from tooth surfaces?

Is water flossing more efficient than string flossing to remove plaques from tooth surfaces? I present below what I have found so far. In the following: Waterpik is a manufacturer of water flossing ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
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Truth or myth to get white teeth?

I've read in some forum that coconut oil or hydrogen peroxide could help to remove plaque and stains from teeth and will got white teeth. I know that teeth color is genetic thing but if they will have ...
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2 votes
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Effects of Vitamin K2-7 on existing plaque

There are quite a few studies on the impact of vitamin K2 supplementation on calcification of the arteries. For example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih....
Thomas's user avatar
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The enamel of our teeth are softer/harder at various points in the day? Brushing after a meal harmful to enamel?

Growing up, I was always taught to brush my teeth after eating breakfast, but should I be brushing my teeth before breakfast? The reason why I brushed afterwards was to remove the food bits/taste ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar