Questions tagged [oral-health]

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15 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there a way to monitor the quality of healthcare and dental care I am receiving?

It could be a particular online website for reviews, a list of doctor's strength and weaknesses during some kind of an assessment, and or anything that can give consumers a greater capacity in gauging ...
user65173's user avatar
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Cause of distal convergence in anterior teeth

In anterior teeth, the distal side of the incisal edge is more curved than the mesial side. Furthermore, the incisal edge slopes distally, and the cingulum twists towards the distal side. Why does ...
MrYeetson's user avatar
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Reasons for tooth-base sensitivity?

What are the possible reasons for sensitivity of tooth bases to heat, cold, or sweet? (I am not referring to gum pain, but pain in the actual teeth at the base at/below the gum line.) In my ...
z8080's user avatar
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How can one prevent a mouth sore from worsening if caught early?

If one catches a mouth sore forming, is there any treatment that can be used to prevent it from progressing?
nicenice00's user avatar
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Safe to have fluoride in water-system for cavity prevention? Bleach/whiten teeth after or before fluoride treatments?

I grew up in California. As such, I fortunately, have very healthy teeth. I didn't get my first cavity until I was 23 and living in the UK! haha. So is having fluoride in your water-systems a healthy ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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Teeth Shifting / Dental Drifting resulting from a Maxillary-first-molar extraction?

If a Maxillary-first-molar is removed from a mouth where all the other teeth are present and OK, how soon would the adjoining molar and tooth start Shifting / Drifting into the empty gap ( causing a ...
090800890's user avatar
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What is the difference between cetylpyridinium chloride and alcohol?

I see that some mouthwashes or rinses have cetylpyridinium chloride in them and some have alcohol. Is there much of a difference in their ability to kill germs? Thank you.
lifewithamac's user avatar
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What is the failure rate of orthodontic treatments?

For orthodontic treatments such as braces, after completion of treatment, sometimes teeth return to their original position or some degree of misalignment. How frequently does this occur? How often ...
mei_clawson's user avatar
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How to solve the problem of dry lips

I speak quite a lot in my job, get my mouth dry, so I drink some water. But my lips get extremely dry. Are there some ways to prevent it? I live in a subtropical weather, temperatures range from 0 ...
Adriano's user avatar
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Urine for Mouthwash

I have heard of people using urine as a mouthwash. There are a lot of claims that it helps to cure a variety of dental problems, such as gum inflammation. So far, I can only find anecdotal evidence. ...
Lumo5's user avatar
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What is Surya Namaskar Yoga?

Can we cure hormonal imbalance by doing Surya namaskar? and what is the best time and place to do it ?
Tanvi sahani's user avatar
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Do re-implanted avulsed tooth heal completely?

I had a tooth re-implanted by a dentist and it's been two weeks and it is getting harder and stronger. My question is, will the tooth heal completely or do I need to go under a dentistry procedure..?
Programmer23's user avatar
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Why can fully detached teeth be re-attached, and yet if you break / crack your Maxillary-first-premolar the only option is extraction and disposal?

Why can completely detached ( de-attached ) teeth be so easily re-attached by dentists, and yet if you break / crack your Maxillary-first-premolar right up / down the middle ( so that one half moves ...
090800890's user avatar
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Dental - Can 'Clip On Veneers' made of polymer ( or plastics ), be an alternative to a 'bridge' or 'implant' for a missing first-molar, for eating?

Dental - Can Aesthetic 'Clip On Veneers' made of polymer ( or plastics ) that you can eat with, be an alternative to a 'bridge' or 'implant' for a missing first-molar ( for example ), for the purpose ...
090800890's user avatar
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Is it possible to induce macroglossia (large tongue) as a result of tongue traction or pulling out?

I know that the human tongue is a muscle, and can't be normally pulled to enlarge it. But these two articles:
Mathmath's user avatar
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