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Questions tagged [obstetrics]

Questions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and the post-partum period.

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14 votes
2 answers

Is smoking during pregnancy harmful to child and mother?

In what way does smoking cigarettes by the mother affect the child and the mother during the pregnancy? What are further consequences it might have during the pregnancy and delivery of the baby?
Akshay Vasu's user avatar
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How much Vitamin B12 do you need?

Vitamin B12 is stored over a very long time such that vegans, for example, only get any signs or symptoms of B12 deficiency after a span of years, even though they have hardly any sources of the ...
Kuhlambo's user avatar
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14 votes
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Alcohol consumption during pregnancy

In what ways does consuming alcohol affect a mother and her child during pregnancy? Can it cause serious effects on the baby that is yet to be born? Can it cause any consequences to the mother and ...
Akshay Vasu's user avatar
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In an emergency situation, how does the medical doctor determine that an unconscious patient is pregnant?

If I were to be in a car accident, or something similar, I know that certain tests would be performed either by the first responders or by the medical personnel in the emergency room. Like checking my ...
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11 votes
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What are the effects of routine and daily meditation and physical exercise on pregnancy?

There are various studies with supporting data on what not to do during pregnancy, with many actions and/or situations that can negatively impact the growing human during pregnancy. However, I am ...
Greg McNulty's user avatar
10 votes
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How long will it take to show the signs of pregnancy after intercourse

How long will it take to show the signs of pregnancy after having intercourse without using any birth control method? Please assume the couple as fertile. Ex:- Nausea with or without vomiting, ...
Kushan Randima's user avatar
9 votes
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What is the effect of smoking before or during early pregnancy on the baby?

I assume it will be harmful to the baby if a woman smokes while pregnant. How about the situation where the woman smokes, gets pregnant and then stops? Does the smoking in the period until the ...
Alexander Popov's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there a list of the most prominent textbooks in each field of medical expertise? [closed]

I am familiar with Harrison's principles of internal medicine and Nelson's textbook of pediatrics, which I've heard are regarded as the go-to books in their respective fields. I am looking for more ...
Don_S's user avatar
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Pregnancy and flying

I've heard that flying can harm a developing baby when the mother is pregnant. What happened to my partner is that she missed her period and took a flight after being one and a half months pregnant. ...
Jimmy Joslington's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Which of these things is needed for a first time pregnancy checkup?

My wife and I are now expecting our first child. She is 4 weeks and 7 days at the time of writing this. We are both under 30. I currently live in Dubai where I am British Expat and medical costing is ...
TheBlackBenzKid's user avatar
7 votes
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Are postpartum home (not chlorinated) baths more harmful or hurtful to vaginal childbirth recovery?

For this specific question, I am ONLY referring to baths taken either in a facility or home that are for hygiene purposes ONLY: For this question, please disregard information regarding chlorinated/...
Margaret Belt's user avatar
6 votes
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How soon can you know if you will have twins, triplets and can one increase this chance?

I have also heard that IVF and other non-intercourse related methods can do this. IE you can ask the IVF clinic to split the eggs before insertion? How soon do you know from a natural birth too? Can ...
TheBlackBenzKid's user avatar
6 votes
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In childbirth, can one twin's arm stick out of the womb and then the other child is born first?

There is a story of a birth of twins from Genesis 38:27-30 with some details that raise some medical questions. Among them: It is implied that before birth, they knew the mother had twins. The first ...
A L's user avatar
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5 votes
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Effect of mother's emotional state on baby

Can a pregnant woman's emotional state affect her baby? Can it do so to such an extent that when the baby grows up it suffers from psychological problems?
Justin's user avatar
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Can pregnancy lead to growing taller?

In an adult that has finished growing, is it possible to grow more during pregnancy? I've been assured this is possible by some relatives, and also a friend who swears she grew an extra inch when ...
era's user avatar
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Why does the package leaflet of Ferrograd C advise not to use in the first 13 weeks of Pregenancy

When looking at the advice for iron supplements in pregnancy its seems to be safe if needed, but in all that information the line "Do not take Ferrograd C tablets during the first thirteen weeks of ...
user1605665's user avatar
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Why is the period of gestation defined to be measured from 2 weeks before conception?

So the normal gestational period is defined to be "from the first day of the woman's last menstrual cycle to the current date.". Why is that? Wouldn't the more natural definition be "...
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar
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Correlation between pre-pregnancy training level of abdominal muscles and the risk of getting diastasis recti

Is there any evidence that (very) strong or (very) weak abdominal muscles before becoming pregnant increases or decreases the risk of developing diastasis recti during pregnancy? If so, what are the ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Using corticosteroids during pregnancy

I recently learned that steroids are sometimes given to mothers in preterm labor. For example: If a baby is at risk of being born too early, giving the mother steroids before the birth can help ...
YviDe's user avatar
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Can Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome be caused by medication?

According to several medical resources, Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome (SLOS) is congenital and caused by mutation, e.g. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome is caused by mutations in the DHCR7 gene, the gene that ...
Mehdi Haghgoo's user avatar
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Did 79% of pregnancies in an early COVID-19 vaccine study result in loss?

I just came across a paper published last year concerning the safety of covid 19 vaccines in pregnant women. I read the following sentence in the abstract: Among 3958 participants enrolled in the v-...
Bishop D's user avatar
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Can pre-ejaculate cause pregnancy?

Can a woman become pregnant if you don't use a condom, only from "before-sperm liquid"? It's not sperm. This liquid comes when a man is aroused.
e.m's user avatar
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3 answers

Growing foetus in another woman's womb

If you have a medical issue and are unable to carry a baby, can you have the fetus taken out of you and grown in another woman's womb? Or could you freeze it? I'm thinking of a medical issue like ...
Rembly's user avatar
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Root canal before trying to get pregnant

Would it be bad to get pregnant a month after getting a root canal? Are there any negative effects from the anesthesia, etc.? If so, how long should we wait after the root canal before trying?
fandang's user avatar
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Are there other uses for prenatal vitamins?

Other than what the name dictates, are prenatal vitamins used for any other medical reason? I ask this due to the interaction I've heard about birth-control pills being used to regulate menstruation, ...
Oak's user avatar
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Are there ways to calculate the chance of becoming pregnant from a single sexual encounter?

Given a particular scenario, how can one estimate the odds of becoming pregnant from a single act of intercourse? In the scenario I propose, the male uses a condom before the penis touches any ...
Isa.garcialima's user avatar
4 votes
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How does a late term abortion work?

Imagine this situation: A woman is pregnant with a baby in the 8th month and the doctors notice the pregnancy is affecting the health of the woman - so there has to be an abortion, for it is sure that ...
Sebau-nu-mu's user avatar
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Postpartum haemorrhages due to partial placenta detachment or tear

If only part of the placenta is delivered after the baby is born and the rest is still attached to the womb, the mother can lose a large amount of blood via postpartum haemorrhage. There is no ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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In medieval times, how were twins detected?

I was wondering how women (in the old times) were able to find if they were expecting twins. Was it possible a woman give birth to twins without knowing it?
spohreis's user avatar
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Are there any long term health risks for a woman (and/or her children) when using hormonal birth control?

Research seems to indicate that contraceptives which contain only progestin are generally considered safe for women even when taken daily as pills for several years. But my wife conceived while ...
AbuMariam's user avatar
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Are there any herbal medicines that have been established to actually speed up or ease labor?

Now that I'm 37 weeks pregnant, I seem to have a large number of acquaintances suggesting herbal medicines to me the speed up labor or thin the cervix. The two most common have been raspberry leaf tea ...
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Is it normal to have high cholesterol after pregnancy?

Does breastfeeding moms tend to have higher cholesterol levels after pregnancy?
somename's user avatar
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3 votes
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Will maximizing my ejaculation load help to increase my chances of becoming a father?

Does a bigger load of ejaculation lead to a better chance of getting my wife pregnant?
user9871's user avatar
3 votes
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Maximum time after fertilization, after which pregnancy test no longer works

I am wondering if there is a maximum time after fertilization, after which a pregnancy test no longer works. On the internet, I can find lots of questions and answers around how early after ...
Pregnancy Test's user avatar
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How to check pregnancy at home?

Is there any way to check pregnancy at home.I have used prega-news to check but i am not sure how much it is useful.Can any one suggest me some better option.
Panther's user avatar
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Clonazepam and pregnancy

What are the risks of my wife taking clonazepam during pregnancy? To be specific, I am looking for recent studies on this, I have done a lot of research and am fairly confused by what I have read.
Patrick's user avatar
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Faint line on pregnancy test

I've taken a pregnancy test in the morning on two different days and the result was a faint line both times. Does this mean the pregnancy test was positive or not?
Jay khan's user avatar
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Is O positive male compatible (fertility wise) with AB positive female?

I'm a male with O positive blood type. My girlfriend has AB positive blood type. Are we medically compatible? Do we have good odds of having healthy offspring? Is there anything we should be aware ...
john's user avatar
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Is the treatment of any type of ectopic pregnancy still called an embryectomy?

The generic term for the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy seems to be "embryectomy": ἐκ (ek, “out”) + τέμνω (témnō, “to cut”) Stedman, Practical Medical Dictionary (1916), p. 302 calls ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Menstruation and emergency contraceptives

I would like to know whether emergency contraceptive (such as postinor2) can make you skip a period completely in the menstural cycle it was taken in? Especially after a pregnancy test (taken 3 days ...
Pink_NinjaTurtle's user avatar
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Are women the most fertile right after puberty

The title basically sums up my question. Just wondering, are women the most fertile right after puberty? Aldo, do they see no increase in fertility during the rest of their life, or does their ...
Deena Cera's user avatar
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How to treat a pregnant woman with a very low platelet count in her 9th month of pregnancy?

My sister-in-law is going through her 9th month of pregnancy. Since almost 3 months she is having low platelet count and the cause is still unknown. She is in constant constant care in the labor room....
Muhammad Maqsoodur Rehman's user avatar
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Liver for iron deficiency anemia

I need some help for one of my stories and I didn't think this would be suitable for Worldbuilding or Writing so I am asking it here. Lisa, one of my characters, is pregnant and she is in her second ...
Caters's user avatar
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What is the dispersion of woman's ovulation day around the mean value which is 14th day?

Everywhere there's information that ovulation happens at around 14th day of the cycle. But what is the mathematical meaning for the word around?
Dimitrius's user avatar
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Can sperm fertilize an egg before reaching full maturity?

There seems to be many couples out there that have intercourse frequently and yet still manage to have a child. However, I found a number of articles that describe sperm maturity as taking at least ...
Akromyk's user avatar
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What's the real miscarriage risk from amniocentesis?

If you look for information about the miscarriage risk from amniocentesis, the risk of 1 in 200 or around 0.5 percent gets repeated again and again. Examples: Mayo Clinic WebMd However, they never ...
YviDe's user avatar
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Any risk to the fetus if alcohol consumption in only 1~2 month's pregnancy

I didn't know I have been pregnant for one month (to be exact, the last time I had sex with my husband was about 40 days ago). Just a few days ago, I found my menstruation stoped and after medical ...
Alex Wang's user avatar
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Studies on long-term health impacts of IUDs on children conceived after IUD removal

Have any studies been done on the health outcomes of children conceived after removal of their mothers' IUDs vs. children whose mothers never had IUDs? This study is close to what I'm looking for: ...
Rasputin's user avatar
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Are there risks to long term use of IUSs?

The IUS is similar to the intrauterine device (IUD), but instead of releasing copper like the IUD, it releases the hormone progestogen into the womb (NHS 2018). It thickens the cervical mucus, which ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Risks for VBAC vs repeat Cesarean

When discussing a possible vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), healthcare professionals often cite the risk of uterine rupture during VBAC as a motivation for repeat Cesarean. This is however only ...
User15107's user avatar
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