Questions tagged [nicotine]

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11 votes
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Natural ways to quit smoking

I have been smoking for the past three years and I have decided to quit smoking cold turkey. It has been three days now! I am used to smoking during breaks. The craving is the worst every time I even ...
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11 votes
2 answers

Does 'vaping' affect your lungs?

I feel as if the question to "vapes" is unclear whether or not if it is bad for your lungs. I have done plenty of research and have found people only talking about E-Cigarettes, leaving me in ...
fbleb's user avatar
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7 votes
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Smoking just after a workout

I smoke a cigarette just after workout at gym. Can that be more dangerous than smoking at a more ordinary time? For example, can it cause sudden cardiac arrest?
Arun Killu's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there an established recommended maximum intake of cigarettes?

Recommended maximum intake of alcoholic beverages tell you that it's up to 1 drink per day for women and 2 for men. Is there an equivalent for cigarette smoking?
jiniyt's user avatar
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3 answers

Does Nicotine cause Cancer?

It is believed by many that Nicotine causes cancer, and passively vaping may also cause cancer due to the nicotine content. My research into the idea whilst looking at questions such as Does '...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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It is well known that cigarette smoking makes Crohn's disease worse. Is it the nicotine or the toxins, or both?

It is well known that smoking increases both the severity and frequency of flares in people with Crohn's disease. What is not clear is whether that is due to the nicotine or the thousands of other ...
F Chopin's user avatar
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4 votes
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How much nicotine is in tea and vegetables

Compared to a cigarettes, how much nicotine is in tea, coco powder and vegetables like tomatoes and potatoes? For example, for a normal sized tomato, how many grams of nicotine is present?
Lumo5's user avatar
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Do nicotine lozenges cause wrinkles?

Do nicotine lozenges cause wrinkles on the face or around the mouth? Can a longtime lozenge user attest to this?
asdf's user avatar
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How does metformin interact with nicotine?

Does co-use of nicotine replacement therapy and metformin increase lactic acidosis risk? If so, how?
user16520's user avatar
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3 votes
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Dangers of smoking hookah

In my country, hookah just became insanely popular. Government agencies alongside health organizations mobilized and started to forbid smoking under the pretense that it is as unhealthy as cigarettes, ...
Grympegna's user avatar
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Why is nicotine gum so expensive?

If one can purchase nicotine liquid for e-cigarettes at a concentration of 100mg/ml for roughly 130$ a liter, why is nicotine gum so expensive in the US and Canada? Are there regulations on the ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Affects of nicotine on the nerves

There are new methods for getting nicotine. For example, vaping. Some people are almost promoting nicotine as a health product that can reduce the risk of Parkison's disease and colitis. Some people ...
Lumo5's user avatar
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2 votes
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How many people have been instantly killed by smoking?

We all know that cigarettes have killed millions of people, to the extent that just about everyone knows someone who has died from it. Smoking deaths are overwhelmingly medium to long term effects of ...
borrascador's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there physiological effects unique to the simultaneous consumption of alcohol and tobacco?

I'm aware of the various effects of alcohol and tobacco, but are there any effects which are only present during the consumption of both? A hypothetical example would be: alcohol causes vasodilation, ...
JacobIRR's user avatar
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1 vote
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Nicotine (not smoked) and hair loss?

On various blog posts I've read about the relationship between nicotine and hair loss. It is mentioned that nicotine starves the hair follicle of its nutrient. For example here: Nicotine & hair ...
CuriousIndeed's user avatar
1 vote
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Nicotine withdrawal’s effect on sleep rhythms?

Can nicotine withdrawal cause oversleeping? My understanding that nicotine decreases sleep duration.
user16520's user avatar
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1 vote
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Chewing Nicorette Gum for only 30 min

In the directions, it says to chew the nicorrette gum for only 30 min. I find that I can chew it for more than an hour before all the nicotine is gone. Is there a health reason why the company limits ...
Lumo5's user avatar
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Does Nicotine Trigger a Relaxation Response?

If I read this article correctly it indicates nicotine triggers a relaxation response in rabbits. Do we know whether a similar response is triggered in humans? Is this relaxation response the same ...
John Vandivier's user avatar
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Caffeine vs Nicotine addiction

We, who love coffee very much, have a belief/satisfaction(could be very wrong) that coffee(which has caffeine) is better than cigarette or any other products which has nicotine. But as far as I know ...
Milon Sarker's user avatar
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Will smoking about 10 cigarettes per year over about 50 years virtually do anything to your health?

So I don't smoke but I am wondering if someone were to say smoke about 10 cigarettes per year from about age 20 to age 70, would it affect their health in any way? Would they still be more prone to ...
CuriousCurious101's user avatar
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Is there a limit to nicotine tolerance?

Is there a limit to how much of a nicotine tolerance you can have, or does it endlessly go on and get stronger? Edit: What I mean is whether or not there is a point to the human nicotine tolerance, ...
D. Ataro's user avatar
0 votes
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Is non-smoked nicotine a smoking cessation-aid?

I understand it is a consensus that in general, daily and along the day active smoking of anything (as well as passive smoking) is health damaging. Teeth damage, lung damage, and complications are, ...
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Are there any studies regarding nicotine excretion through the skin?

Nicotine can easily be absorbed through the skin. There are tons of studies on that, and the fact that e.g. trans-dermal patches work. A pediatrician recently mentioned that smokers also excreted ...
C4X's user avatar
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Does nicotine dependence completely "reset" after consuming any amount of nicotine?

I've got a question regarding the behaviour of nicotine dependence in the brain. Suppose a heavy user of nicotine stops consuming it entirely. The first 72 hours are typically the hardest, with ...
robbieperry22's user avatar