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Questions tagged [microbiology]

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What is the priority list to determine in which order clinical bacterial samples should be processed for microbiological research purposes?

Background Sample processing is an essential step in clinical bacteriology that involves the proper handling and treatment of clinical samples before they can be subjected to further analysis and ...
Freezing Soul's user avatar
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Does direct microscopic examination help detect contamination during sample collection in clinical bacteriology?

Background information Direct microscopic examination (or Direct smear) typically refer to microscopic examination of a specimen before any culture or inoculation is performed. Question Can direct ...
Freezing Soul's user avatar
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What is the clinical significance of showing the antimicrobial resistance profile of isolates of a certain bacterial species?

These examples are results from the first three pages of this search in google: site: "antimicrobial resistance pattern" (Jan 1, 2018 – Today)(I ignored ...
Freezing Soul's user avatar
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Why is the number of Haemophilus spp isolates greater than the number of patients in this research?

"Whole genome sequencing-based classifcation of human-related Haemophilus species and detection of antimicrobial resistance genes": (open access) . ...
Freezing Soul's user avatar
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Can the presence of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamases affects the action of AmpC beta-lactamases?

Double disk synergy test (DDST): This method uses the cephalosporin discs and clavulanic disc alone. The principle is applying the cephalosporin discs next to the clavulanic disc with a distance of ...
Freezing Soul's user avatar
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Why should the hepatitis B infection last more than six months to be regarded as chronic?

"People who test positive for the hepatitis B virus for more than six months (after their first blood test result) are diagnosed as having a chronic infection. This means their immune system was ...
Freezing Soul's user avatar
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Why Pseudomonas aeruginosa commonly affects the external ear?

Let's say I get an ear piercing over the cartilaginous area of pinna. Now due to traumatic perforation and inoculation, there will be perichondritis. According to my logic it should be Staph aureus or ...
ANA negative's user avatar
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What does 'No outcome of interest' mean?

I am a stranger to medical sciences and also a foreigner so it is not easy to read medical papers. Can I ask what 'No outcome of interest' means? What I tried to figure out was "Is artificial ...
zzaebok's user avatar
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Why do water molecules diffuse along axons direction? [closed]

I am studying tractography technique which aims to reconstruct bundles of axons in brain by following the diffusion direction of water. It exploits the difference between grey matter and white matter: ...
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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Will 70% isopropyl alcohol deactivate i.e. kill COVID-19?

Today the CDC released an official list of what kills the COVID-19 virus but the list does not mention 70% isopropyl alcohol. This is a fairly basic disinfectant and it seems it should have been on ...
Sedumjoy's user avatar
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How mutable is SARS-CoV-2 virus?

As it commonly known, mutability is a fundamental characteristic of viruses which presents the ability of virus genome to adapt to physical circumstances, prevent and circumvent vaccine effect and to ...
Suncatcher's user avatar
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Difference between BHI biphasic and Castaneda culture media in diagnosis of infective endocarditis

So I am currently studying Hematology/CVS and there is some vital microbiology attached to this. I am studying infective endocarditis and one of the Duke's Criteria involves a Lab Diagnosis which ...
abacus143's user avatar
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Do fridges really keep things fresh? [closed]

Like, if I had a bottle of milk with a screw top. Does that really need to go in the fridge? Because it has a top so the flies can't get in. What about a raw chicken in a sealed bag? I mean you're ...
zooby's user avatar
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Is there scientific evidence that spacing out vaccines have any positive effects?

There are parents and doctors that agree to spread out their kids' shots. Supposedly it's easier on the baby (some babies experience fever or other ill reactions to vaccination). But I had a thought ...
Džuris's user avatar
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What are the limits on the amount of pathogens that a body can be immune to at any given time?

Before the seasonal flu vaccine was recommended for all healthy adults, people in developed countries might get vaccinated against on the order of 10 different pathogens and develop immunity for some ...
Macrophagus's user avatar