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Questions tagged [home-remedy]

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Why do hemorrhoid medicines include moisturisers such as Witch's Hazel and Aloe Vera?

I read that Witch's Hazel is good as home remedy for hemorrhoid nodules and that it is sometimes a component of medicines. But Witch's Hazel creams are generally intended for the face. So what is the ...
user2617804's user avatar
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Is Bugleweed vitamin supposed to be black?

I have been using a vitamin supplement for hyperthyroid cat that includes bugleweed, also known as gypsyweed. The vitamin liquid looks kind of strange. It is dirty brown with black fibers or moss-...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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Treatment for catarrh?

I've been having catarrh for 3 days now and it's really becoming hard to bare, till today I've not slept for 3 days because it has totally blocked my nostrils. Is there any home remedy for catarrh.
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