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Questions tagged [forehead]

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3 votes
1 answer

Which vessel could a pumping vessel in the left middle side of forehead be?

There is a vessel located on the left middle side of my forehead which keeps pumping for few times noticeably every few minutes, my question is: What are vessels flowing on the left-mid side of the ...
Yahya Hussein's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Branch of medicine that falls under scar removal

I had chicken pox when I was ten and I have a deep scar in my forehead due to it. I am now 25 and I will like to remove this scar if possible. I am wondering, what branch of medicine will this fall ...
robben's user avatar
  • 31
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1 answer

How does forehead cooling affect me?

Sometimes I have headaches. I've heard that they're caused by the pressure of veins in my brain (not anything more). I found out that if I cool my forehead or eyelids with water, the pain stops. Am I ...
Probably's user avatar
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2 votes
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Ice pack/cold piece of metal contoured to skull/forehead

There are ice packs people put on their forehead when they get hit on the head or have a fever. I thought- perhaps I could have the ice pack molded to the shape of my skull/forehead. It would cover ...
LongApple's user avatar
  • 181
6 votes
1 answer

Can a sunburn increase your resting heart rate?

I've been using a Fitbit to track my resting heartrate (among other things). The value has consistently been in the 55-60 range for several weeks (most typical value over the past week or two is 57). ...
aroth's user avatar
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