Questions tagged [estrogen]

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2 answers

Effect of turmeric/curcumin to block estrogen and hence reduce gynecomastia

If we search the internet, we see plenty of articles,, (Video)
Mathmath's user avatar
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Do Tamoxifen and other similar SERMs reduce chest fat chronically or permanently?

I am sorry if it mistaken (please comment or suggest an edit to fix) but by chronically I mean as long as the molecule is administered and effective and by permanently I mean after the molecule was ...
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Breakthrough bleeding on progestogen-only contraception

Background In hormonal contraception, two types of hormones are used; estrogens and progestogens. The progestogens are the type of hormone that is mainly responsible for the contraceptive effects. ...
Sam's user avatar
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Why does Finasteride effeminize men despite it increasing serum testosterone and inhibiting estrogen production?

Effects of Finasteride Finasteride blocks the action of an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase. This enzyme changes testosterone to another hormone that causes the prostate to grow or hair loss in males. ...
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What are the benefits of estrogen in women?

I've commonly heard that symmetrical to testosterone benefits in men (What are the benefits of high testosterone in men?), estrogen contributes health benefits to women. What are they?
Dave Liu's user avatar
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What metric is used to measure estrogen levels?

I have had a blood test recently and over the phone I was told by a doctorthat my oestrogen level is high. I'm a man and was told my level is "190, but the average is 150". 190 what? I forgot to ask ...
Charlie's user avatar
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What are the changes of diamine oxidase (DAO)-activity with different sex hormones?

Based on this question: What happens to a woman if she takes testosterone? i have another question and would like to know more - that's because i've stumbled over this: DAO activity in tissues of ...
Milo's user avatar
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Estrogen level after sex

Estrogen levels ought to elevate after having sex in women and thus improve skin and hair quality. I do not find the scientific proof for this statement. Who can help?
Doc17's user avatar
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2 answers

Can gynecomastia breast tissues be dissolved?

If one takes zinc and vitamin D then the T levels increase. So oestrogen must decrease and thus gynecomastia goes away. But this site says that the breast tissues can never be dissolved even if the ...
tryingtobeastoic's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the mechanism of action of tamoxifen and other SERMs on Gynecomastia?

I understand that several scientific articles show that tamoxifen and other SERMS such as clomifene and raloxifen are effective in reducing gynecomastia for humans in different age groups and ...
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Contradictory info about beets and hormone balance

Searching online for "beets testosterone" there are sources that state that beets boost testosterone levels. e.g. The vitamin and antioxidant content of beetroot is high. It is also rich in ...
smith's user avatar
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Will drinking too much beetroot juice cause gynecomastia?

Searching online for "beets testosterone" there are sources that state that beets boost testosterone levels. e.g. The vitamin and antioxidant content of beetroot is high. It is also rich in ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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